Friday 14 June 2024

Journals -- June 14 -- Last journal of the year!!!

 Drama 8:  Which of the Aesop morals should you learn?  Explain your answer.

Drama 9 and Senior Drama:  Explain how you created and played your role play character.  Include anything you wore or props you brought or activities in which you engaged and also describe any interactions you had with other students playing their role.

Friday 7 June 2024

Journal - June 7

 Drama 8:  How do you think the world was created?  (Give details.) Could you make a play about it?  Explain how, or if not, why you couldn't.

VERY IMPORTANT:  If you would like to request a person to be in your group for the last project, say, "Alice (you) would like to work with Albert (your requested person)."  If you don't care, write that.

Senior Drama:  

Actors:  What is your film scene about?  Who do you play?  Describe your character. What do they want?  What problems are they facing?

Director:  Finish your "something happened" scene by Monday.

Theatre Production:  Write the scenario for your sound and light show.  (Provide a sketch of the set.)

Drama 9:

Write the acceptance speech for the time when you win an Oscar (best actor).  Who will you thank (think of your parents or people who have helped you along the way)?  Describe your journey (how you got to the stage at the Academy Awards).