Thursday 5 March 2015

Show and Tell for Grade 8

Show and tell!

After spring break, the grade eights will be presenting their show and tell speeches.  Your speech should be two minutes long (one minute is too short, and three minutes is too long!)  You should bring something from home about which you can speak in an interesting way for two minutes.  (It could be a souvenir you acquired on holiday, or something you won, or a piece of art you created, or a special gift you received, or a toy you like when you were little or anything!  Whatever would make an interesting story.)  Prepare your speech - it might help to write it down and then practice saying it.  I expect that when you deliver it, you will speak clearly and project your voice.  You will stand comfortably at center stage and not fidget or pace.

Your speech should take this form.

1.  Tell us what the item is.  You could describe it briefly.  (For example, these are the Mickey Mouse ears I got at Disneyland.  When my parents told me we were going to California, I dreamed that I would be able to come home with this hat!)

2.  Tell how you acquired the item.  (For example, you could describe the experience of training and preparing to play a certain sport, and then give us a description of the "big game" and how you played and the circumstances that resulted in you receiving the medal or the item you are showing.)

3.  You can conclude with what you learned from the experience or what the rest of us could take away from your speech (perhaps that you should listen to your parents and then you won't get lost at Disneyland or that if you keep trying, you will succeed).

If you want to ask me any questions about this, please feel free to do so!

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