Friday 5 April 2024

Journal for April 5

 This journal is for everyone.  It's about subtext (what's going on underneath what you're saying) and emotional memory (a technique actors use to bring real emotion on stage, not just pretense).

For each circumstance, explain how you would feel, what you might want to do and what you actually would do.

1. You invite a friend to your house to play cards.  You have fun and play for several hours.  It is getting late.  The game is over.  You can't help yawing, because you're so sleepy.  Your friend says, "what should we do now?"

2.  You walk into a room you've never been in before (like a classroom, or a meeting room).  You are starting a new class or activity and are supposed to be there. There are a lot of people there and many of them seem to know each other and are laughing and talking.

3.  You are waiting at a bus stop.  A rather menacing person comes and waits as well.  They glance at you a couple of times and then say, "I should have worn a jacket.  It's colder than I thought."  They seem to look pointedly at your jacket.

4.  Alex is your friend.  You have a lot of fun when you hang out.  Maja tells you that Alex has mentioned that you have changed and you aren't as fun as you used to be. 

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