Friday 24 May 2024

Journal for May 24

 Drama 8:

Which fairy tale has your group chosen?  How did you choose it?  What role or roles are you playing?  How will you create the character through mime?  (Think of costumes, facial expressions, movements.) Who is the leader in the group?  Is anyone hindering the process of the group?  Explain your answers.  What is the climax of the story?  Why do you think so?

Remember to bring $5.00 before the play performance on Thursday of next week (May 30).

Drama 9:

Write the scenario of your "mood" story in your own words.  Who are you playing?  (All the characters should have names.) What does your character want?  What is standing in the character's way?

Senior Drama:

What is a metaphor for your life?  Explain your answer.  How could you turn that metaphor into a play?  (For me, I think I could use the old trope -- "life is a winding and bumpy road" and have a person on a long road trip with beautiful sights and experiences and also a flat tire and a car accident and things like that.  The main character's name would be "Jean" like my first name, because I think "Jean" is a name that could represent anyone.)

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