On Wednesday, we observed "pink shirt day" which is a day set aside for us to resolve to demonstrate kindness and empathy for others. Write a brief scene that could be used for a public service commercial about bullying and why we should stand up against it.
Here's mine:
Jordie is at his locker. Andy, Carol and Fee approach him, laughing in a sneering way.
Andy: Oh, Jordie, where'd you get that shirt? Value Village? I think my dad donated it because it was too unfashionable even for him.
Carol: Yeah, Jordie. What's wrong with you? Did you even glance in a mirror before you came to school?
Fee: You're such a loser, Jordie.
They laugh at him.
Killian comes up to the group.
Killian: Fee, if you want to see a loser, maybe you should take a look in a mirror.
Andy and Fee: Whoa!
Carol: What, are you friends with this guy, Killian? Want to catch the loser virus?
Killian: Look, guys, you all need to grow up. Who cares what somebody wears? It's really none of your business.
Carol: Who do you think you are?
Killian: I know who I am. Who are you?
Carol has no answer. Her friends look stupefied.
Killian: Let's get going, Jordie. We're going to be late for Band.
Jordie: Yeah, don't want to be late. (Killian and Jordie leave, while Carol, Andy and Fee stand there looking stupid.)
Song plays -- Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" and a slogan appears on the screen. "Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it." - St. Augustine
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