Friday, 25 February 2022

Journal #3


Have you noticed the eagle's nest that is right at the exit road from Steveston-London?  I have seen the eagles on the nest and how they bring twigs to fix it and for the last few cold mornings, they have both been sitting on the light standard on the playing field.  This morning, I decided to take some photographs of them.  They are so beautiful and majestic and they inspire me, even in these dark cold scary times.

Drama 8:

What do you need to remember when you are making a tableau?  (Say at least four things.) Choose one of the tableaus you were in or one that you saw and draw a picture of it -- it doesn't have to be great art so don't be afraid.  You may use stick figures if you want, but make sure that you include lots of detail.  Label your drawing with how it fulfilled what a tableau should do.  (If you can't remember any of the tableaus, make one up.)

Which fairy tale did your group choose?  Which role will you play?  Describe how you will create that character.  (Think of your movements, gestures, facial expressions, costumes, etc.)

Make sure to look for good instrumental music to play while you perform your fairy tale.

Some of you were asking about the group "Rallycar" which we heard yesterday while we worked on the tableaus.  I found a website that has some of their songs -- here is the link:

There isn't much information about them after 2010, so they might not be performing any more.  Too bad.  They are good, I think.

Drama 9/10:

Write your heritage story.  If you haven't talked to your family about it, then think of something that has happened to you to share with your group. 

Remember to include the name of one person with whom you would like to work on the big heritage project, if you have a preference.  If you don't care, let me know.  That helps arrange the groups.

Friday, 11 February 2022

Journal #2

 Drama 8

Are you good at working in groups?  On a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 being excellent and 1 being not very good at all, where do you rate yourself on working with a group?  Why do you rate yourself that way?  Are you a good leader?  Explain why.  Write about a time you worked in a group and what you learned from the process.  It can be a positive or a negative experience.

Drama 9/10

Where does your family come from?  (If your family is indigenous, you could say from this territory, but if not, you can say where each of your parents or grandparents (or great grandparents) come from.  In my case, my father's family came from Ukraine, although my father was born here.  My mother's family came from western Europe -- Scotland, England, Germany, Holland).  Tell me two things you know about your family's country of origin.  (I know that Ukraine is very much like Saskatchewan and that is why my dad's family wanted to go to Saskatchewan.  I know that Ukraine was taken over by many other countries, including Poland and Russia.)  How did they arrive in Canada?  (Mine came on ships and then, in the case of my father's family, they had to take a train to Saskatchewan).  Why did they come to Canada?  (I don't know why my mother's family came, but I imagine they wanted to get land, which was unavailable to poor people in Europe;  my father's family came because they were very poor and disadvantaged in Ukraine and thought they would have a better life in Canada).  Did they face any challenges when they came to Canada?  (In Saskatchewan, many people were very prejudiced against Ukrainians.  They made fun of the way they spoke, their food, their customs, their religious beliefs -- it was very difficult for my father and his brothers and sisters at school because they did not speak English at home.)

Ask your family these questions if you aren't sure.  If they can't help you, you can do some research!

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Welcome to the Theatre! Journal #1

 Everyone:  What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  Include your pronouns, whether you have stage fright or not, whether you have ever done Drama before (and tell me what you've done, if you have), what you expect to get out of the class, and anything else you think I need to know!

What elementary school did you come from?  Did you do any Drama there?  What was it?

What is the last movie you saw?  Did you like it?  Say why or why not.