Thursday 28 April 2022

Journal #1 for Grade 8's; Journal #9 for 9/10's

 Grade 8

What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  Here are some things to include:  do you have stage fright?  have you done drama classes before?  did you do drama at your elementary school?  what do you hope to learn in drama class?  are there any students in the class that you have worked with before?  how did that go?  You can tell me anything else that might help me get to know you or to teach you better!

Grade 9/10

Describe a character you are playing in the heritage drama plays.  Give the character a name (if they don't already have one) and describe them in detail -- age, family situation, job, interests, hopes and dreams, etc.  What does the character want in the scene you are performing?  What obstacles does the character face?  What would the character wear?  (Think of colour of clothes, style, period of time the story takes place, setting.) What qualities do you share with the character?  How are you different from them?

Thursday 21 April 2022

Aesop's Fables (This is also Journal #8)

Great work, Grade 8's on the Aesop's Fables performances.  I have changed some marks and so your report cards could well change.  I will let you know tomorrow.

Grade 9/10:  Choose one of the heritage stories you are using for your play.

What could you use as a metaphor in the play?  (Try and use the metaphor.)

What is the plot?  (intro of characters and setting, inciting incident (conflict), two events in rising action, climax and denouement)

You can change your stories to make them more dramatic, but remember they are stories that represent people's history so they should be believable. 

Monday 18 April 2022

Marks posted!

 I have just posted my preliminary marks -- I have until Thursday to check over them and the administration also reads them, so that everything is clear and correct.  If you look at your marks (which are posted on the portal) and you see something that looks wrong, let me know on Tuesday and I will check them with my records and make any changes that are warranted.  Grade 8's, this will be your final mark in Drama 8 (although I will revisit them when I see your Aesop performances), but Grade 9's and 10's, you still have another term, so if you would like to make improvements, make sure you read the comments to see what you can do better.

You can still hand things in and do any reciting that you haven't done, so make sure you pop in during PLT if you have work to make up.

Sunday 10 April 2022

This is Simba!

 Our new housemate arrived on Friday!  He's a year old and as cute as a button.  He had a busy day today -- a walk in the morning with the neighbour's dog, and then playtime at the dog park this afternoon with my friend's dog, Ziggy.  So he's pooped right out.  We'll sleep well tonight.

We already love him!

Thursday 7 April 2022

World Press Photo winner - Kamloops Residential School - photographer -- Amber Bracken

This photo won the best photo in the World Press photo contest this year.  The photographer is an Edmonton journalist named Amber Bracken.

In the theatre, we try to make a visual impact when we perform.  Remember the theatre saying, "show . . . don't tell".  What does this photo say?  Why did it win the award?  Describe the photo in detail.  (You'll have to really look at it.)