Thursday 22 February 2018

A change is as good as a rest!

Lucky you guys, have a great day off tomorrow!

Grade 8's:  Make sure you think about what music would be good to accompany your extended fairy tale mime.  Observe yourself doing both big and small things, so that your mime is specific and believable.

Grade 9/10:  Talk to your family about family stories and try to find something that will be good to share with the class -- the heritage drama project is coming up.  If you have "wedding" type clothes, set them aside for "Keith and Carol's Wedding"!

Theatre Production:  Next week we will start setting up for "Keith and Carol's Wedding" -- bring clothes that you can get dirty (we will paint and drag stuff around next week to set up the wedding venue).

Friday 16 February 2018

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

Journal Day!  The above quote is from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which is such a fun show!  If you get a chance to see it, you should.  It's romantic and funny and magical.  It means there are always problems when you're in love.  Remember that when you feel frustrated with your romantic situations -- it's never easy.

Drama 8:  What is your favourite movie?  (Don't say you don't have one.)  Explain why you like it.  Make sure you describe the story in one or two sentences.  Name one of the actors and say something about the actor's performance.  Think of one other aspect of the movie that you like.

Drama 9/10/Theatre Production 11/12:  Write about a movie you've seen that has a romantic element. (Almost all of them do.)  Tell me the name of the movie, what you thought of it, what actors are in it and how the romantic element works.  Should I see it?  Say why or why not.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Speak the speech, I pray you . . .

Remember everyone, we will be presenting our little pieces of Shakespeare next week.  Monday is a holiday, so on Tuesday, you should be ready to go.  Many of you suggested that you feel less stage fright if you're prepared, so a little practice might be in order over the long weekend.

Journals for the week:

Theatre Production 11/12:  We have been having interesting conversations about the "love nest" project.  (Some of you might have heard of the show "Tony and Tina's Wedding" that ran in Vancouver for months several years ago.  The audience members were wedding guests and the whole show was interactive as Tony and Tina and their family members and wedding party and important guests acted out the story around the paying ticket holders.)  If we were to stage a wedding in the theatre, how would we go about that?  If you've been to a wedding, you know there is a reception area, a formal area for the ceremony, places for the bride and groom to get ready, etc.  Think of our own theatre and how we might stage a wedding here.

Draw a sketch of the whole theatre and delineate how the "wedding" idea would unfold.  (For example, the front lobby could be where people sign the guest book.  There could be a big bouquet of flowers there and people to welcome guests and encourage them to sign the book.  There could be "ushers" {friends of the groom}.)  Who would play the bride and groom?  Who would play their parents?  Best friends?  Attendants?  What music would we play?  If you want a dramatic moment, could there be a blackout and then a gun shot?  Start thinking about details -- that's what theatre production is all about!

Drama 8:  Are you good at working in groups?  What qualities and skills do you have that help you work with others?  (Give at least four.)  How can you improve?  (Think of at least one way.)  Are you a good leader?  Explain why.  Write about an experience you had working in a group.  What did the experience teach you?

Drama 9/10:  As you can see above, the theatre production people are thinking of a wedding idea for our "love nest" project.  Have you ever been to a wedding?  If so, what was it like?  If not, how do you imagine what a wedding would be like?  If we stage a wedding here, who would you like to play?  (Describe a character that would attend the wedding -- for example -- the mother of the groom:  she has always been a huge influence on her son and likes to control his life.  She disapproves of the bride.  She thinks the bride isn't "good enough" for her son.  This mother of the groom (let's call her Gladys) takes a great deal of care with her clothing and make-up.  She treats her husband (the father of the groom) like a servant.  She puts on a phony English accent.)  Try to provide details.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Journals for February 2, 2018

Happy Groundhog Day!

Grade 8:

Here is your recitation piece:

All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man, in his time, plays many parts.

Journal #1:  What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  You can include past drama experience, performance experience (if not acting, then musical or athletic).  You might mention what you expect to get out of Drama 8.  Please make sure to tell me whether you have stage fright or not.  It is perfectly natural to be a bit worried about public speaking and performing and having people WATCH you, but we will work on getting over that!

Grade 9/10:

What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?  Do you like it?  Why?  Do you think it's stupid?  Why?  If we were going to do a play based on Valentine's Day, what would it be like?  Romance is a big part of any theatrical presentation -- why do people like to see people in romantic situations?

Theatre Production 11/12:

Today is Groundhog Day.  If you were going to design a set for a groundhog festival here at Steveston London, how would you do it?  (Sketches help!)  There is a great old movie called "Groundhog Day" -- take a look at the set at Punxsutawney if you need inspiration, but don't copy it.