Thursday 1 February 2018

Journals for February 2, 2018

Happy Groundhog Day!

Grade 8:

Here is your recitation piece:

All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man, in his time, plays many parts.

Journal #1:  What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  You can include past drama experience, performance experience (if not acting, then musical or athletic).  You might mention what you expect to get out of Drama 8.  Please make sure to tell me whether you have stage fright or not.  It is perfectly natural to be a bit worried about public speaking and performing and having people WATCH you, but we will work on getting over that!

Grade 9/10:

What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?  Do you like it?  Why?  Do you think it's stupid?  Why?  If we were going to do a play based on Valentine's Day, what would it be like?  Romance is a big part of any theatrical presentation -- why do people like to see people in romantic situations?

Theatre Production 11/12:

Today is Groundhog Day.  If you were going to design a set for a groundhog festival here at Steveston London, how would you do it?  (Sketches help!)  There is a great old movie called "Groundhog Day" -- take a look at the set at Punxsutawney if you need inspiration, but don't copy it.

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