Friday 16 February 2018

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

Journal Day!  The above quote is from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which is such a fun show!  If you get a chance to see it, you should.  It's romantic and funny and magical.  It means there are always problems when you're in love.  Remember that when you feel frustrated with your romantic situations -- it's never easy.

Drama 8:  What is your favourite movie?  (Don't say you don't have one.)  Explain why you like it.  Make sure you describe the story in one or two sentences.  Name one of the actors and say something about the actor's performance.  Think of one other aspect of the movie that you like.

Drama 9/10/Theatre Production 11/12:  Write about a movie you've seen that has a romantic element. (Almost all of them do.)  Tell me the name of the movie, what you thought of it, what actors are in it and how the romantic element works.  Should I see it?  Say why or why not.

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