Thursday 4 June 2015

Like gold to airy thinness beat

As many of you know, my husband died on Sunday.  He had been very sick for a long time, but nothing can prepare you for a loss like this.  I keep wishing we could have just one more day.  Remember how many of you ask this as your question of the day?  "If you knew you had just one more day, what would you do?"  Lots of you say you would fly to some far flung place, or take revenge on your enemies.  I always say the same thing.  I'd like just a regular day -- a walk in the park with Mike, the kids and Daisy, a nice "greasy" (that's my husband's characterization for a good breakfast!) breakfast, some time to listen to music and read and think about how beautiful the world is, some time to laugh and tell stories, watch a good movie, like "All About Eve" or "On the Waterfront" or "Annie Hall", hold hands, listen to the birds, realize how lucky we are, and watch the sunset.

Thank you to many of you who sent a message of sympathy or condolence.  I appreciate them all.  I'll see you soon.

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