Tuesday 21 March 2017

Our Nation's Capital

We arrived in Ottawa yesterday without mishap.  The plane ride was uneventful and our hotel is pleasant, with a nice BIG suite and a full kitchen and a view of a church and a Kafka-esque government building with very small windows.  It looks cold today and the Weather Network says it might rain or snow.  We are going to the War Museum.

When we arrived, we decided to walk down Sparks Street to find a restaurant, and that was a rather wasteful adventure.  There were a few pubs but of course, Anthony and William can't eat at a pub, and so we walked a distance and only found McDonalds.  Of course, Anthony was ravenous so we ate there.  William remarked that there was no one on the street -- I have heard that about Ottawa -- that after about six the town is empty!  Everyone decamps to the suburbs.

I watched the movie "Arrival" on the plane.  It was lovely, I thought.  I don't really like Amy Adams as an actor, but she has been in some really great movies and this was terrific.  It was directed by Denis Villeneuve and looked and sounded beautiful.  We saw just enough of the aliens (nicknamed by Louise Banks's (Amy Adams) partner as Abbott and Costello) to make them mysterious and strange, but still get a sense of what they were like and their language was glorious, both the sound of it and the written version.  It posed questions about our concepts of communication and time and the choices we make and I would like to see it again.  William watched it, too, and he said the same thing.  I have read that people have gone back several times so maybe other people feel the same way.

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