Saturday 21 December 2019

If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings!

The other day, our question of the day was your favourite holiday song, and this is the one I chose.  I have been watching a lot of my favourite Christmas movies these days and I watched "White Christmas" last weekend, and old Bing Crosby sings this one to Rosemary Clooney (I believe she is George Clooney's aunt -- I wonder if he can sing like an angel, like she can) and they are both (Bing and Rosemary) terrific singers and the song has a lovely, Kosar-style philosophy.  I am sure I've told you about my mom saying to "count your blessings".  It's like keeping a gratitude journal -- you can't feel sorry for yourself for long when you start to count your blessings.  Maybe things aren't just the way you'd like them to be, but you have a lot going for you, if only that you live in a warm house and get to eat when you want and are safe in Canada.  The birds and the stars and the river and the trees are all free to look at and enjoy.

We have made it through the year at school and have managed to make it to the end of December with no major mishaps.  It was great to see old kids at Breakfast with Santa and all the acts I saw were amazing!  I am so impressed with our Mudsharks band.  We are really lucky at our school to have such talented musicians among us.   What a wonderful set they treated us to!  Thanks to them for kicking off the holidays in such a stellar fashion.

Now we have two full weeks before we must trudge back to the halls of Steveston-London.  I hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday with lots of cheer and warmth and good food and good company and good books (one of my favourite parts of the holidays).  One of the blessings I count when I can't sleep is my great good fortune to have work I love and to be able to spend my days with energetic and enthusiastic young folks like yourselves.

See you in 2020!

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