Tuesday 3 November 2020

Poetry Project info

 Hi, everyone!  I am taking a break from watching the American election (sigh!)

Here is the low-down on the poetry project.

You must choose a theme and find five poems that deal with the theme.  You should write two poems about the theme.

For the poems you select, include:

Name of poem.  (If it does not appear in our poetry book, please include a copy of the poem.)

Name of poet, with a brief (three sentences at most) bio.

How does this poem fit your theme?  What does it say about the theme?  Does the poem tell a story?  What is the story (if it tells one)?  What is it about (if it doesn't tell a story, does it describe something, is it arguing a point or expressing an emotion)?

Why did you choose this particular poem?  What do you like about it?

What form does the poem take?  (sonnet, lyric, limerick, ballad, ode, etc.)  What poetic devices does it use?  (include examples)

You do not have to explain your own poems (you are to write two).  Just include them.

I would like you to include an introduction explaining why you chose your theme, and some sort of visual element (drawing, collage, photograph -- it should be your own work!)

I hope you will be able to share one of your poems (either one you chose to suit the theme or your own work) with the class and talk a bit about it. 

I posted marks for A2 today and will post updated marks for A1.  I realize some of you might have wished for higher marks, but the quarter is not over yet, and you have three big assignments upcoming -- the poetry project, the bildungsroman and the Hamlet group project, so there are lots of opportunities to improve.  In addition, you need to think about what your mark says -- if you are getting an "A", that means you are doing excellent work.  A "B" indicates "very good".   A "C+" is "satisfactory".  I know you all want to do your best and that is to your credit, but your mark won't change just because you're disappointed.  You need to absorb my suggestions for improvement and proceed accordingly.

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