Thursday 28 September 2023

Drama Journals/ English update

 Drama 8:

Are you good at working with a group?  On a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 meaning very bad and 5 meaning perfect, where would you rate yourself?  Explain.  How could you improve?  Are you a good leader?  Describe your "leadership" style.  Write about a time you worked in a group and what you learned from it.

Senior Drama:

Describe a time you were really scared.  Provide details, like time, place, what happened, how you felt (like clammy hands, breathless, etc.)

English 9:

Your book report is due on Tuesday!

I collected your narrative essay based on the poem, "Jamie" on Monday.  

We wrote a precis about the turtle article on Tuesday.  We wrote a concrete poem with a partner on Wednesday.

You should be looking at poems in Poetry and Language that you can use for your poetry project.  Choose a theme that interests you.

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