Friday 24 November 2023

Romeo and Juliet - English 9 -- Act one, scene 1

 Make sure you understand how to approach the play in this volume.  (The actual script is on the right side and modern explanations are on the right.)

Use of second person familiar pronouns:  Thou - you as the subject of a sentence (if the person is a friend or a contemporary); thy/thine - yours (the possessive); thee - you as the object of a sentence.

Thou art a scurvy knave.  (Second person familiar as the subject of a sentence)

I detest thee! (Second person familiar as the object of a sentence)

This wine is thy crutch.  The goblet is thine.  (Second person familiar possessive)

Dramatis Personae (Who are the characters in the play?) Make an illustration of the two feuding families (the Montagues are Romeo's family and the Capulets are Juliet's family -- we do not meet any Capulets except Tybalt in Act 1, scene 1) and their hangers on.

Write a brief scene (with your partners, in your own words) based on something that happens in Act 1, scene 1.  Choose lines 60 - line 70, or line 79 - 95, or line 160 - 235.

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