Wednesday 24 April 2024

First Journal of the LAST TERM OF THE YEAR

 Drama 8:  What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  Include your pronouns (yes, you have them!).  Have you had any experience in Drama before (in elementary school, in an out-of-school program, in a class)?  Do you have stage fright?  (You won't be the only one.) You can share anything you like with me to help me teach you and understand you better!

Senior Drama:  Write a brief scene in which two characters (at least) share a joke.  It should be something you could include in "A Silent Laugh".  Try to make it original!

What are you thinking of talking about for your show and tell speech?  Run it by me!

Drama 9:  What is the most dramatic scene in your heritage presentation?  Explain why.  What is the most shocking scene? Explain why.  What is the saddest scene?  Explain why.  What is the funniest scene?  Explain why.

What are you thinking of talking about for your show and tell speech?  Run it by me!

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