Monday 4 August 2014

Can a leopard change its spots?

Because of the terrible air pollution, Parisian officials tried to ban cars from the city for a day, but it didn't work.  They issued a lot of fines to people who drove anyway, but one woman said she'd rather pay the fine and get her kids to school because she didn't have an option.  The transit was free for the day, but that didn't help her.  You wonder what we can do to change people's habits.  I think most of us realize that climate change is a terrible problem and that we have to do what we can to mitigate the damage that we've already done and prevent the drop over the tipping point.  But it's such an involved mesh of actions and it's not just our government officials who seem incapable of acting; it's each of us as individuals, as the Paris example demonstrates.  I think of myself -- I am worried about climate change, but yet I drive my car every day for about an hour each way to get to work.  The alternatives? - take transit - which would take me three hours.  Get a job closer to home - but that's not as easy as I might wish.  (And I really like where I am.)  There has to be political and personal will and I wonder if people are willing to do anything before it's too late (me included).

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