Tuesday 7 July 2015

Strange things done 'neath the midnight sun

Apparently, Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted in Nunavut on a camping holiday!  Hey, Leo!  That's what I've always wanted to do.  I don't really have a bucket list, but I would like, one day, to go to the far north and listen to the "big silence" and see the Northern Lights and camp out somewhere where no one is.  Pictures of it remind me of Saskatchewan -- the vast expanses of nothing stretching out as far as the eye can see.

When we went to Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan (to see pronghorns, and we did see them!) we got some information before we went (of course, because that's how I do things) and one of the things that we received was a map of the park.  It had the trees marked on the map and I showed Anthony and William and told them, "these will be the only trees there".  Both BC boys found it hard to imagine, but that was the truth.  A tree is a landmark in southern Saskatchewan.

So good for Leonardo DiCaprio.  At least, he's doing something interesting with his vast wealth.  I find it so tedious to see these celebrities with no imagination amassing huge sums of money and then they seem to have no idea how to spend it.  I remember that film about poor Michael Jackson and he was in some mall with a huge entourage and he went into some tacky store full of all these huge porcelain figures and he was saying in his tiny little voice, "I'll take that one, and that one and that one."  Like Citizen Kane -- all that stuff and none of it meant anything to him at all.

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