Monday 10 August 2015

People who are different, their time is coming! (Hairspray)

I saw "Hairspray" at Theatre Under The Stars at Stanley Park on Friday.  I have never been to Theatre  Under the Stars before, although I've been curious about it for years.  As many of you know, I'm not particularly fond of musicals, but I read a review of this one that was quite a rave and it made me want to see it.

It is a great venue for a big musical.  It really is under the stars -- at the Malkin Bowl in a big field with plastic lawn chairs, but it is a very welcoming place -- you can have dinner there for quite a reasonable price and there are picnic tables and a place you can have your picture taken (in "Hairspray" era clothes) and you can eat and drink while you watch the show.

I don't know if I was in the mood for something frothy and colourful and upbeat, but I was smiling from the moment the curtain came up till the end.  All the performers were so committed and energetic and the story was encouraging and the singing was terrific and the dancing was good.  The set was creative and the costumes were bright and flashy and it was just great fun.

I've never seen either movie and didn't know much about the story and that is rather unusual because I usually do, so that was fun, too.  I didn't know how it was going to turn out, although I was pretty sure I could guess.

Another thing I've been doing lately is watching the second season of "The Wire".  It is terrific television, although very gritty and bleak.  One thing tv does when it's great like this is to give you a whole range of characters and give you an insight into each of their lives.  This season focused on the International Brotherhood of Stevedores and the plight of the working man in Baltimore, but of course, all over the world.  The head of the union was involved in all sorts of corruption, but he did what he did because he was trying to find work for his people.  But it was a lost cause as most things are in "The Wire".  It was surprising throughout and just like the first season, it starts rather slowly and really digs its hook into you and then you just have to see what happens next.

We are going off into the hinterlands for a couple of days.  As many of you know, I am very fond of the flush toilet and electricity (I'm ashamed to say) and will miss it a great deal, but it is a beautiful spot and the kids will get away from their phones briefly which is worth it on its own.  Off to the wild!

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