Thursday 24 September 2015

Hail, fellow, well met!

It's "Meet the Teacher" tonight!  Make sure you tell your families that the school is open for visits from 6:30 until 8 tonight.  Ms. Sakata will speak in the gym at 6:30 and then, at 7,  families will go through your daily schedule, and get 10 minutes to meet all of your teachers this semester.  (We'll do a second "meet the teacher" in 2nd semester.)  I will be getting everyone to sit in a circle, just like we do in class, and then I'll talk a bit about how drama works here and answer any questions people might have.  It's an informal atmosphere and you are welcome to come along if you'd like to introduce your folks to me.  I look forward to seeing some of you tonight.

Don't forget Spirit Week next week!  It's fun to join in and see what people come up with in the costume department.  Drama students are often leaders in this respect!  Monday is Jersey Day, Tuesday is Backwards Day, Wednesday - Fashion Disaster, Thursday - Colour Wars (check out the posters to see what colour your grade is supposed to wear), and Friday - Pajama Day!

You have one more chance to see the Titus Andronicus spoof -- it has been held over as one of the "picks of the Fringe" (a great honour) and will be performed on Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Revue Stage on Granville Island!  Well done, Mark!

Just an update on what we're up to these days:

Grade 8's:  Great work on the tableaus (my favourite mode of presentation).  Remember what makes a good tableau:  a focal point, stillness, a dramatic moment, variety in your roles and positions and attention to visual detail.

Remember, you will be reciting "All the world's a stage" on either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Practice it a few times a day over the weekend, and you will have no problem.  Remember to speak clearly and project your voice!  Your audience should be able to relax and enjoy your performance.

Grade 9/10's:  Make sure you have handed in your heritage story.  Everyone is expected to contribute.      If you can write it and use the story arc we've talked about (introduction of setting and characters, conflict, rising action, climax, denouement) all the better.

Theatre Production:  You need to continue to think about the "scary place" project!

Today, we saw the heritage examples.  Try to learn from those experiences.  Use the curtains (blues and legs and travellers) to frame your stage picture.  Make sure that what the audience sees is INTENTIONAL.  You need to start preparing a sound and light plot to guide you through a performance.  You can't just "wing" it.  You shouldn't use music during scenes of dialogue.  Coordinate sound effects with the movement of the actors on stage.  This stuff should be practiced so it goes smoothly in performance.

Enjoy your long weekend.  See you on Monday!

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