Thursday 1 October 2015

Seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness

That's from a lovely poem by John Keats called "Ode to Autumn".  Doesn't it just express what fall is?  I hope some of you were able to take in the lunar eclipse on Sunday.  We couldn't see the red beginnings because the moon was too low on the horizon but we watched the earth's shadow march across the surface of the moon.  All the neighbours were out to watch as well.  It's nice when people can get together on something like that.

We have cast the play, which we're calling "Old Glory" now, in honour of the American flag.  Rehearsals will start in earnest next week.  If you are going to help with the play, either on stage or behind the scenes, please make sure to do your part.  It is wonderful to be part of a theatrical effort, but it does require a lot of work.

Grade 8's:  Your journal topic for Friday is:  Are you good at working with other people?  What skills and abilities do you have that make you a good team player?  Do you have any shortcomings you need to work on?  (Everyone can improve, so think of something.)  Write about an experience you had working in a group -- it can be either a positive or a negative experience.  Are you a good leader?  Why or why not?

Your show and tell speeches will happen at the end of October.  You might want to start thinking about your speech now.

1.  Choose something about which you can speak for 2 minutes.  It can be ANYTHING, as long as it generates a good, engaging story.

2.  Jot down some ideas about what you want to say.  You could briefly describe the object, tell how you acquired it, why it is important to you, with whom you associate it, anything that will make the audience interested.  Think about what would interest you.  Think about why the item is important to you.  If you are interested in it, it is likely that we will be, too.  Don't be afraid to be enthusiastic.

3.  Plan what you are going to say.  Prepare cue cards, if that will help.  (It would help me.)  You can say what you think you might say in your speech and write it down, or you can write it down first.  This is your process and you can experiment with what works best, but you do need to have a plan and stick to it.

4.  Practice saying your speech.  Time it and make sure it is about 2 minutes long.  Say it to someone you trust and ask them for feedback.

5.  Practice speaking slowly and clearly and projecting your voice.  Remember to try to appear to be confident, even if you don't feel confident.  Let your enthusiasm for the item shine through.  That will help engage the audience.  When you present, stand centerstage.  Don't move around too much.  Make eye contact with the audience.  Keep your head up.

6.  Don't use repetitive words and phrases (like "y'know" and "that sort of thing" and "sort of").  Don't begin your speech with "so" and don't end it with "yeah".

7.  It can be a good idea to start your speech with a question that involves the audience's experience, for example, "have you ever been lost in a foreign city?" or "do any of you have a part time job?"  End the speech with some sort of conclusion, perhaps a lesson you've learned or an experience we can identify with.  "In conclusion, winning this medal taught me that you can never give up because, as Yogi Beara said, 'it ain't over, till it's over'" or "I guess we should always listen to the advice of our parents!"

Let me know if you have any questions about this assignment.

Grade 9/10's:  Which heritage story is the best in your group?  Why do you think so?  What role are you going to play in the acting of the story?  Describe how you will create a character.  (Provide details.)

Theatre Production 11/12:  What literary tie-in have you thought of for your scary place project?  How will you incorporate it into your plans?  What part of the scary place project will you be putting together?  Give details.

We have started rehearsals for "Old Glory", the fall play.  Pop in to the theatre at lunch or after school any day next week to see what's happening.

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