Thursday 2 February 2017

"They say we're young, and we don't know; we won't find out until we grow!"

That's the song that wakes Bill Murray up everyday in the movie, "Groundhog Day".  It is such a fun movie and Bill Murray is such a terrific actor and there are great performances by so many character actors (like Chris Elliot, Steven Tobolowsky, Robin Duke, Brian Doyle-Murray and Les Powdewell as the homeless man) and the concept is really interesting and I advise you to see it, if you haven't done so.  This weekend it's supposed to snow and that's a good reason to watch it -- Punksatawney looks so lovely in the snow.

On the topic of Groundhog Day, why doesn't BC have its own groundhog?  We can hardly expect Wiarton Willie or Shubenacadie Sam to predict our weather when they live so far away.  Let's see if we can get our own rodent for next Groundhog Day (I don't mean that we should go out and trap a groundhog for Steveston-London, of course -- I just mean that BC should have a groundhog who can predict our weather)!

Grade 8's:  Here is the piece of Shakespeare to memorize for vocal warmups and reciting!

All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts. 

If you say it out loud every day, you'll know it without even seeming to try!

Your journal this week is the following:

What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  You can include past drama experience (if you have any), whether you have stage fright or not, whether you have any experience performing (that could be in ways other than theatre -- like music or gymnastics or sports or anything else you can think of), your expectations for the course -- whatever you think it would be worthwhile for me to know in order to teach you!  The journal should be about half a page and I appreciate if you can try to write clearly and with a fairly dark pen or pencil as my eyes are not as young as they once were!

Drama 9/10:  Write about something you've seen (movie, play, tv show, etc., that has a romantic aspect.  How does it play?  (Is it believable?  Why or why not?)   Describe how the actor in the presentation you named demonstrates love.  Could you do a performance like that?  Explain why or why not.

Theatre Production:  What is a favourite song of yours (or favourite piece of music)?  Why do you like it (Don't just say "because I do" -- think of why you like it and don't like other pieces of music)?  What mood does it evoke?  Do you think music has an intrinsic message?

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