Friday 28 September 2018

Hey, the gang's all here!

Journal day!

Grade 8's:  This week's journal is about group work.  How would you rate yourself as a group member -- on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being terrific and 1 being uncooperative, where do you stand?  Explain your answer.  What skills do you have that make you a good group member?  How can you improve?  Are you a good leader?  Explain why or why not.  Write about a time you worked in a group and tell what you learned.

Grade 9/10:  What story has your group chosen to explore your current issue?  How does your metaphor shed light on the issue?  What makes an audience take a performance seriously?  What makes a performance comic?

Senior Drama:  What do you find scary?  How could you turn it into a play?  What genre do you think we should choose for our October 31 presentation?  Try to explain how we can involve the audience.  Lots of movies make use of "jump scares" which is basically a surprise.  What can provide a more long lasting sense of unease or fear?

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