Thursday 6 February 2020

Many hands make light work.

Remember that we will recite "All the world" on Tuesday (Grade 8s), "speak the speech" on Monday (Grade 9/10)

Grade 8:  On a scale from 1 - 5, with one as very poor and 5 as magnificent, where would you rate yourself as a member of a group? Explain.  What aspect of group work are you good at?  In what ways can you improve?  Are you a good leader?  Explain your answer.  Write about an experience you had working in a group and what you learned from it.

Grade 9/10, Theatre Production 11:  Are you influenced by advertisements?  Explain your answer.  What is the most recent purchase you have made?  Why did you choose the item you did (as opposed to another brand)?  What is good about your scene about the coronovirus?  How could it be improved? Which scene about the virus did you think was the best?  Say why you liked it.

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