Tuesday 9 November 2021

Theatre Production -- Sound and Light Show

 You need to develop an idea for a sound and light show.  The purpose of the show is to demonstrate your technical expertise, so it should not be a simple matter of turning the lights on and off and playing a piece of music.  You will need lighting effects and both music and sound effects.

Try to think outside the box.  The theatre loves a metaphor and remember the rule that you must "show, not tell."  You may base your scene on a song or a poem which is a good place to start.

You may use actors or just one actor.  You can write dialogue for them, but you could also focus your performance on mime and tableau.  The acting isn't as important as your technical expertise!

You will need a sketch of your set (even if it is an empty stage).

You will need to prepare a light and sound plot with your cues written on the plot.

Make a list of props if you are using them.  Think of what your actors should wear and have them dress that way when your scene is performed.

You can run your ideas past me in your journal if you like.

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