Friday 3 December 2021

Debating wrap up

 Now that we are finished debating, let's assess how we did!

Write about your own part.  How did you do?  Mention your own speech and also how you fielded questions and defended your point of view.

The topics:

(Write one or two sentences about each topic {including your own}).

a) bubble tea/boba

b) cock fighting

c) microtransactions

d) money

e) plastic straws

f) connections class

g) drugs

Also, answer the questions about the play -- "Lies, Lies and More Lies".

“Lies, Lies and More Lies”


1.      Is Adelaide Lai evil?  Define “evil” and then say whether you think she fits the definition or not.  Use evidence from the play.


2.      What makes Adelaide act the way she does?  Can you empathize with her?


3.     What causes all the trouble in the play?  Explain.


4.     The play starts with the interrogation and then jumps around, so that the timeline is not straightforward.  Why did Ms. Kosar write it this way?


5.     How did you react when the audience called out?  They call Adelaide a “monster”.  Is she a monster?  (Is a monster “evil”?)


6.     Do you think the material in the play is appropriate for high school?  (Ms. Kosar has asked herself this many times.)  Explain why or why not.


7.      The play is “based on real events”.  What does that mean?  Is it “true”?


8.      Have you ever seen a play before?  Why do people still go to the theatre? 


I gI gave out copies of Macbeth, so if you were absent you need to get a copy.

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