Tuesday 21 December 2021

Happy Winter Solstice!

This is the shortest day of the year.  It is already dark at 4:12 p.m. and we have heard from the provincial health officer that we are returning to strict rules to prevent the spread of the omicron virus.  I was going to go to the East Van Panto tomorrow night, but the theatre is down to 50% capacity, so I can't see the show in person.  That's okay.  I am glad that people are trying to keep us safe.  The little squirrel on my balcony is happy to eat the seeds I put out before he snuggles down in his drey for a long winter's nap.  I would add his picture, but my new laptop doesn't have a port for the memory card from my camera, so you will have to imagine.

(This is a stock photo of a Douglas squirrel.  Isn't he cute?)

Here is a nice poem for a short winter's day and a long winter's night.  Light a candle this evening and read some poetry.  What a pleasant way to honour the power of nature!


To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.

To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,

and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,


and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.


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