Tuesday 30 April 2013

Keeping my germs at home!

Hi everyone!  Sorry I'm away -- I have an ear ache and there's nothing like that for making you feel rotten (unless it's a toothache)!  I hope it all goes well and I will be back tomorrow!

Remember, journals are due today!  Put them in the beige box on the piano.

C and D Blocks -- I would like to see whatever you have of the "After Liverpool" scenes tomorrow.  Theatre Production:  Have an idea for your sound and light show to pitch!  A "pitch" is when you propose an idea for a producer -- you want to make it sound like something they want to see!

A Block -- Make sure your conflict mimes have a clear introduction -- we need to know who the characters are and where they are.  It is best to use characters who know each other.  Strangers can have conflicts but it isn't as interesting as conflicts between people who have a relationship of some sort.

See you all tomorrow.

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