Thursday 14 November 2013

All the world's a stage!

Welcome to all the new grade 8's!  I think we've had a good start to the term and I'm looking forward to working with you over the next few months!  We will continue with mime over the next couple of weeks.  Remember, in a mime you must pay attention to detail and exaggerate your emotions.  Think of ways to communicate with your audience beyond words.

You will be expected to memorize the following passage from Shakespeare's "As You Like It":

All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts.

We will practice the passage together in class.

Journal #1:  What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  Include any experience you've had in drama before (plays you've been in, activities you engaged in when you were in elementary school, public speaking events, classes you've taken, etc.).  Do you have stage fright?  (That's a perfectly normal way to feel.  We will work to alleviate that feeling in class.)  Do you work well with others?  Have you ever performed in front of an audience?  (acting, playing an instrument or singing, dancing, doing magic)  You can also include anything else you think might help Ms. Kosar get to know you better.

Grade 10's:  What do the lyrics for "The Way It Is" make you think about?  What story are you using for your video?  Do you think it will work now that you've run through it in front of the class?  What can do you to get it to work (better)?

Grade 9's:  Have you ever said "I hate you" to someone?  What made you say it?  Were you sorry about saying it?  Is it hard for you to express your feelings (positive or negative) to other people?  Explain your answer.  Did you like performing the "I hate you" scene?  Why or why not?

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