Wednesday 16 July 2014

"We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?" asked Piglet. "Even longer," Pooh answered.

We are going to Kelowna tomorrow, to stay with my friend, Myrna, and her family for a couple of days.  Myrna and I have been friends for over fifty years.  Most people think they will stay friends with people forever, but that doesn't happen very often.  It is quite an extraordinary thing and a great comfort at this time in your life.  Myrna is one of the only people I know who remembers my parents and remembers me through all the stages of my life.

When we were babies, our mothers were friends and introduced us at a playdate.  When we were just starting school, we were there for each other -- at the "Grade One party" when I was crying (didn't like social events, even then), the teacher said, "you know Myrna.  Do you want to sit with Myrna?" and I did.  Then on the first day of school, I heard hysterical crying from way across the playground.  It was Myrna and her mom.  Mrs. Patrick dragged Myrna up to me and said, "Myrna doesn't want to start school today, Jeanie.  Can she go in with you?"  and she did.  Of course, it hasn't all been sweetness and light.  When I first got glasses and showed up at school wearing them, Myrna ran up to me and said, "you got glasses!"  Yeah.  "You look so UGLY in glasses!" she said.

We've had our ups and downs over the years, but when push comes to shove, we're a constant in the other person's life.  I organized Myrna's second (and successful) wedding, she helped organize my mom's funeral.  Last year, she came out to see "Woman in Mind" -- very sweet of her.  Myrna has a real talent for keeping in touch with people -- she knows where everyone is from our graduating class (almost -- there are a few mysteries I'd like solved, but even social media doesn't seem to help there).

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