Thursday 12 February 2015

All the world's a stage

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts.

This is the short piece of Shakespeare that the Grade 8's will be reciting in a couple of weeks.  We will practice every day but make sure you check that you are getting all the words absolutely right.  This is Shakespeare and if you add or leave out words, the rhythm will be affected.

Your journal this week, for Grade 8's, is:

What should Ms. Kosar know about you?  Obviously I'm interested if you have any background in theatre, if you've attended classes at the Richmond Academy of Dramatic Art, or at Gateway Theatre (or anywhere else).  Perhaps your elementary school had an enthusiastic teacher who liked to do plays and you played the lead.  Another thing you might like to write about is whether you have stage fright or not.  Lots of people have it, and it is something we will try to deal with, so that you all have fun in Drama and don't feel scared.  Other types of performing (like as a musician or an athlete) are also interesting to me.  Whatever you'd like to share -- your journals are just between you and me, so don't be afraid to tell me about feeling nervous on stage or how much you like drama or whatever.

Grade 9/10's and Theatre Production 11

Our first plays are based on the phrase "Love is . . . "  What is love?  Use a metaphor to describe it and then explain what you mean.  Is this the metaphor your group is using?  If not, describe your group's metaphor.  If so, what is your group going to do with it?

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