Grade 9/10/Theatre Production 11/12: You need to constantly evaluate your work if you want to improve. Really think about what you are doing well and what you need to improve. The following journal is an important part of your mark for your heritage play.
Firstly, comment on your heritage play (the whole performance). What went well? What needed improvement? Whose performance was most effective? Explain why. What was good about your own performance? How could you have improved?
What was the best scene? Explain why. What was the least effective scene? Why?
Who was the person who did the most work? What did they do? What did you do?
This is the mark scale: A+ (excellent -- seamless transitions and well organized set changes, believable performances that are moving, relatable and funny for the audience, consistency, clear and believable story line with clear references to historical and geographical situations, appropriate costumes and props, evocative music and lighting); A (very good -- efficient and well organized transitions and set changes, believable performances which are relatable, settings that refer to historical or geographical context, consistency, clear and believable story line, costumes and props, effective music and lighting), B (good - efficient transitions and set changes, mostly believable performances, some historical and geographical references, consistency, clear story, some costumes and props, music and lighting); C+ (satisfactory -- transitions that take less than 20 seconds each, some performances that are effective, changing settings which the audience can understand, voices that we can hear, a story that the audience can follow, attempt at costumes and props, music and lighting); C (below satisfactory - clumsy set changes and noise and talking during transitions, actors who stay in character but perhaps cannot be heard consistently, lack of attention to theatre basics, like cheating to the audience, a lack of props and costumes that makes the stories unbelievable, a storyline that is challenging for the audience to follow or understand, a lack of empathy for the characters or the situation -- for example, if you laugh in a tragic scene). I usually pass you if you get up on stage and try to execute something, so that would earn you a C-.
Assign the whole group a mark. If you were marking it individually, what marks would the other group members get? Explain your marks, using the scale above.
Drama 8:
Write a short (one or two paragraphs) myth which explains one of the following natural phenomena:
(1) what are the stars?
(2) why do people have ten fingers and toes?
(3) why do birds fly?
(4) why don't snakes have legs?
If you like, you can write it as a play instead of a story.
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