Sunday 20 May 2018

“We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love,” Bishop Curry said, quoting Dr. King. “And when we do that, we will make of this old world, a new world.”

Welcome to a lovely long weekend!  We've been so busy in the Drama department these days that it is really nice to have a few days to unwind.  Congratulations to everyone who took part in the presentations for the students from Wakayama and also to the cast and crew of "Care and Respect: the Musical" which was performed for the Grade 7's on Fun Day.  I wonder what the students and staff from Wakayama thought of the heritage plays they saw!  We did hear from the Grade 7's, many of whom said "Care and Respect" was their favourite part of the day!

Grade 8's, don't forget you need music for your extended mime/tableau presentations on Tuesday.  You want to bring the music you think will work so you can practice with it before you perform on Wednesday.

Did any of you watch the Royal Wedding on Saturday morning?  I watched a bit, until my son came in and shamed me -- "why are you wasting your time watching two rich people get married?"  (He is clearly not a monarchist!)  I am not a big booster of the monarchy myself, but I do like Prince Harry, especially since he spoke so openly about his struggles with depression which started after he lost his mother.  There is still such a stigma attached to issues of mental and emotional health and it was probably quite hard for him to open that conversation but so worthwhile when so many people are struggling with it.

The title quote I used was spoken at the wedding by the Episcopal bishop who gave the sermon at the ceremony.  He had a very warm and engaging manner and I think his paean to love speaks to a broader need in the world than just the love that Harry and Meghan Markle feel for each other.  If we all tried to love each other and the living things with which we share the planet, I think we could see our way more clearly.  It is so easy to be closed off to the world and to ridicule and disrespect others and treat the water and air and earth as if they are receptacles for our garbage but that's a really dangerous approach that has gotten us into the pickle we're in now.  I hope we hear Bishop Curry and dedicate ourselves to care and respect for others and for our home (the earth, of course, not just our nice little houses) -- we'll be happier and healthier if we do!

With that said, let's have a pleasant weekend and especially enjoy that extra day of freedom (which is Victoria Day, thanks to the old, old queen!)

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