Wednesday 2 January 2019


I looked back at my resolutions and discovered that I did not manage to do the writing that I intended so perhaps those resolutions can be held over for this year.  I have made two new resolutions that I think will be good for me and also will be kept.

Firstly, I am going to eat less meat and dairy.  Not only is it good for me personally, but it is also good for the planet.  It is very scary to think what we are doing to our little home.  I have been reading about the insect apocalypse and I think many of us have taken for granted that there are so many insects that they will always be here, long after we disappear, but perhaps we are damaging the natural world so much that even the insects can't survive.  That's a truly terrifying prospect.  It makes me think of "Blade Runner" and how there are no living things at all and when he finds the spider, it's so amazing and then the androids don't get it at all.  Anyway, I think the best way to see if I'm managing to keep my resolution is to decide on a measurable response, so I am saying that I will prepare one completely meatless and dairy-less meal a week.  If I am able to do more, good on me!  (Did you read that story from Australia about the passerby who heard "why don't you die?" being screamed in a house he walked past?  He was very concerned and called the police who attended at the scene and discovered a man who has a terrible fear of spiders.   The man was trying to kill a spider but I guess the spider was too elusive and it was driving the man crazy.  The police said everyone seemed okay at the house "except the spider".)

Secondly, I have resolved to see more live theatre.  I often see reviews for plays and I think, "oh, I've got to see that" but then life gets in the way and I don't.  My measurable goal, then, is to see at least one show a month, which should not be too overwhelming.

So let's see how I do!

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