Monday 7 January 2019

Welcome back!

I was going to print all this out and then I realized we don't have to use all that paper!  I wanted to give everyone a heads up about what we will be doing this month before the end of the semester!

Grade 8's:  You should be preparing your "show and tell" speeches!  Practice your speech OUT LOUD and make sure you have two minutes of material!  This is very important.

You will stand centre stage and not fidget!  You will appear to be confident.  You may use cue cards, or even have your whole speech written out, but you must make eye contact with the audience.  You must speak clearly and make sure I can hear you and understand you from the back of the theatre.

You may speak about anything you like, but if it is not allowed at school, you will have to show a photo or picture of it.

You MUST not start the speech with "so" or end it with "yeah".  Think of a joke or a quotation or a question to start things out and then at the end come to a conclusion -- "this is what I learned", "this is why this thing is so important to me", "as you can see, it is important to 'look before you leap'.  Something like that.

Use something that inspires a story to tell.  Just describing the item will not engage your audience.  If you are interested in the story, we will be, too.

This is a chance for you to demonstrate that you are a good public speaker!  Make sure you have TWO MINUTES of material.  Don't speak too fast!

Grade 9's and 10's:  We will be doing playbuilding at the end of the term.  Make sure you learn the monologue I handed out before the holidays.  You need to memorize it and ACT it, not just recite it.  If you still have a Shakespeare scene to perform, you must do that by the end of the term.  We will do the extended role play (I will discuss this in class) in the last few days of the semester.

Senior Drama:

Actors:  You must prepare and act the monologue you have been assigned.  Some of you have not done the Shakespeare monologue!

Theatre Production:  I have a hand out for the sound and light show.  You will also need to support the directors in their final original script.

Director/Writers:  You need to come up with your original script.  The length doesn't matter.  You will be assigned actors and will be asked to present your final script as a performance.

We will be doing the extended role play at the end of the term.  Anyone want to be the teacher?

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