Friday 29 October 2021

Happy Hallowe'en!

 Drama 8:  How do you think the world was created?  Could you make a play out of it?  (Explain how or say why you couldn't.)  What role are you playing in "The Creation of the World"?  How will you create a believable character?

What was your Hallowe'en costume?  If you didn't wear one, say what you would have worn or draw a picture.

Drama 9:  Write a scary scene (with dialogue).  


Arthur:  Want to go to the haunted theatre at lunch?

Alice:   No, I'm scared of ghosts.

Arthur:  Are you scared of me?

Alice:  No, you're my best friend.

Arthur:  Maybe, but . . .

Alice:  But what?

Arthur:  (becoming invisible)  Never mind.

Senior Drama:  (after today)

How did the interactive Hallowe'en show go?  How did the audience react?  Did you expect that?  What suggestions do you have for future Hallowe'en shows?

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