Friday 15 October 2021

October 15 Journal

Drama 8:

Report on how your fairy tale mime group is going.  Is anyone emerging as a leader?  How can you tell?  Who is it?  Is anyone hindering the progress of the group?  How?  Who is it?  

Write a short scene that demonstrates what is going on.  Here's an example:

Larry:  Okay, let's get started.  Alice, where do you want to sit?

Alice:  I don't want to sit, stupid.  I want to stay here and stare at my phone.

Bonnie:  But you can stare at your phone during the break.  We need to practice.

Alice:  Shut up, Donnie.

Jacky:  Looks like Alice doesn't want to play Princess Peach.  Maybe Bonnie should do it.

Alice:  (crying)  Waah!  I do want to play the princess!  My mom calls me her little princess!

. . . and so on.  Your scene should be no longer than a page! 

Drama 9/10:

How did your first heritage play go?  What went well?  What needs to be improved?  (You can incorporate Ms. Kosar's remarks and Wendy's ideas into your answer.)  Make sure you provide details.

Senior Drama:

Directors/Scriptwriters:  Write two scenes -- one for the event outside the classroom and one for the event as audience members walk into the class.  Each scene should use different actors.  Try to use every actor in the class.

Theatre Production:  Come up with a sketch of the theatre and how you would decorate it for the haunted house.  Make sure to decorate the entrance as well.

Actors:  We would like people to play characters as audience members walk in.  Can you do magic?  Can you stay still for long periods of time?  Can you create a "jump" scare?  Describe a character or an activity you can do to make the haunted house scary!

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