Thursday 26 June 2014

The Long and Winding Road

This was the song that my graduation class chose as its class song.  When you look at the lyrics, they really have nothing to do with graduating,  but I guess the title of the song suggests that you have a long and mysterious way ahead, which you do.  As we all do.  You never know what that bend in the road might bring.

Roads are a great metaphor for the journey of our lives.  Follow the straight and narrow.  Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken".  The road by which Estragon and Vladimir wait for Godot.  Bob Hope and Bing Crosby's "road" movies (just kidding). 

May the road on which you are about to embark be long and smooth.  May parts of the road present challenges for you that make you do your best and feel proud of what you have accomplished.  May there be places along the way to stop and rest, places where you can experience lovely things.  May you find kindred spirits to travel with you.  And may you find happiness in the journey.

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