Thursday 18 July 2019

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Image result for alec baldwin

I have been watching this show as an antidote to the news which I find very disturbing.  I can't just ignore it completely, so I'm going to say that my family experienced hearing the phrase "go back where you came from" many times.  My dad was Ukrainian-Canadian and he was a bit of a radical politically and many people said to him that if he didn't like Canada, he should "go back where he came from" (which would have been Tiny, Saskatchewan, where he was born, and not Ukraine).  Just because my dad thought and said that Canada could be a better country (can't we all get better?  isn't that the point of having a democracy, in which we can suggest ways we can improve and help each other and figure out the solutions to problems, collectively, instead of just struggling on our own to survive?) didn't mean he didn't love Canada.  He fought in the Canadian army in World War II.  He worked hard all his life and paid his taxes and stood up for his beliefs and he and my mom raised my sister and me and taught us to be kind and honest and work hard and respect the law and be good citizens who think about how things are done and try to make things better.  I am proud of how Canada is a nation of diverse people who try to get along and who believe that we should take care of each other, but obviously, we send people to parliament to discuss how things are going and try to come up with ways to make things better.  If they all just sat there and said how great everything was, nothing would get done.  If anyone ever says, "go back where you came from", don't let that hurt you.    That person doesn't know what they're talking about.  We need people to come here from other places.  That's what makes Canada a great place to live.

Anyhow, after that tirade, which has nothing to do with "Comedians in Cars", I will say that I have watched a number of these shows and they do what television is good at, which is give you something that is entertaining to watch when you feel tired or just want something easy to stare at while you recuperate from Aquafit.  Someone said that the show isn't funny, and it isn't always, because I don't think that's what it's trying to do.  I think it's more like a rather low key talk show, and Jerry just lets the person be themselves in a kind of hyper-themselves sort of way.  The best guest I've seen so far is Alec Baldwin.  I don't think of him as a "comedian" ( I don't think Jerry cares that much about their credentials) but he is an excellent actor and he is entertaining and tells good stories and makes the twenty minutes of the show just fly by.  He told this great story about Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas and he did both of their voices and even kind of looked like them when he told their part of the story.  He also told a story about a play he was in (I think it was "Entertaining Mr. Sloane", by Joe Orton) and he did his own lines and the other people's and it was terrific.  A bit of escapist fluff in a scary time.

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