Monday 23 March 2020

No news is not necessarily good news . . .

We received a letter from the Ministry of Education and the union, but they still don't really know what we should expect next week.  They continue to tell us to try our best to enjoy our spring break and not worry too much about what lies ahead, so that is the message I am sending on to you.  Do as much as you can to relax and take it easy and sleep in and all those things you said you wanted to do over spring break and let next week take care of itself.  If you are involved in "Ripper", you should learn your lines as you were told to do!  You want to be ready when we do get back.

I am reading Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron.  It is a huge book full of stories told by ten young people who leave Florence and go to the countryside to avoid the ravages of the plague (it was written in 1348).  This is before the time of tv or the internet, so they decide that each of them will tell a story based on a theme chosen by the "king or queen" of the day (each of them gets a turn as the ruler).  Just like nowadays, with you edgy young folks, many of the stories are quite shocking and some are very funny and some are violent, but it is interesting to see what each person does with their assigned theme.  I am trying to write something similar in play form, but I am not much for creating things of a shocking nature.  Maybe, as I soldier through, I will ask for suggestions of stories from you guys!

After all that great spring weather, we are getting rain today.  This is the time when, all of a sudden, everything turns green!  One of my favourite times of year.  Even though all of us are practicing social distancing, the New York Times points out that birds don't care about that and it suggests watching some geese or ducks enjoying themselves as a way to de-stress.  Daisy and I walked to the creek this morning and we were sorry to accidentally disturb some ducks who had decided to paddle there.  When we came over the little rise at the front of the creek, the male duck made himself very tall to see who we were, and when he realized that we were not to be trusted (although I assured him we were), he and his mate flew off.

Take care of yourselves!  I hope I will see all of you very soon.

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