Wednesday 5 January 2022

More info

 Just an update after our meeting this morning . . .

There will be a health and safety meeting for all students on Monday, January 10 in C Block.  Mr Banta will present the students with information about the school's protocols for keeping us all safe in the face of the new situation with COVID.   Much of the process will involve keeping your distance from other students -- staggered entrance and exit times, exiting from the closest door to your classroom, not congregating and limiting time spent outside of classrooms, etc.

If you have symptoms, you should not come to school.  If you exhibit symptoms at school, you will be sent home.

If the school must close temporarily (if there are many students unable to attend, the Public Health office will decide or if there are not enough staff members to supervise students and manage the school, the school district will decide), we must ensure that we are up-to-date with emails to contact your family and that students understand how to access Teams (or in my case, my blog!).

If you do not have access to technology, the school might be able to provide you with what you need.

A parent letter will be sent home today to keep your family in the loop as far as the following weeks go.


I must send home academic alerts by Friday, so if you are behind in journals, this might be a good time to catch up.  If you have not yet handed in your poetry project, do it!!!

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