Wednesday 14 May 2014

Show and Tell

On May 29, the grade 8's will be presenting their "show and tell" public speaking speeches.  As I described to you today, I will expect you to prepare a two minute speech based on an item you can bring from home and show to the class.  The actual item isn't important -- it is your speech in which I'm interested.  Unlike the Shakespeare recitation, this is your own material and it is your responsibility to make it engaging for the audience.  Obviously, just describing an item that everyone can see is not particularly engaging, so you will be expected to tell a story about the object.  Perhaps describe how you acquired it or what you did to earn it or who gave it to you and what that person means to you.  You may use cue cards or a paper if you like but make sure you practice, so that you can look up and make eye contact with the audience.  This is not a case of "more is better".  Try to stick to two minutes.  Five minutes is too long and one minute is too short.

If you are unsure about what to choose, see me.  Obviously, you cannot bring a weapon or a pet to school, but you are welcome to bring a photograph or a drawing if that's what you want to speak about.
One of the grade twelves directed me to an article he read called "Why Aren't Women Funny?" written by Christopher Hitchens.  It posits the idea that men have evolved to be funny in order to attract women, but that women don't need to be funny in order to attract men.  It also suggested that a woman's role in society is more serious than a man's and so women approach life more seriously.  I don't agree, but I have wondered why there are so many more male comedians than female and why there are so many more men doing improv than women.  What do you think?

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