Tuesday 25 February 2014

Expect Respect and a Safe Education!

Tomorrow is Anti-Bullying Day.  Wear pink to show your solidarity with all the people who have felt excluded or teased or left out.  That's almost all of us, I think.  For the most part, I think all of you do your best to treat others with respect, but you have to try to do that for everyone, whether you like them or not.  Sometimes, when people say or do things that are disrespectful, I hear the excuse, "but she's so ANNOYING."  But that's only an excuse.  If someone you know is irritating, you still need to treat them respectfully.  If I put that person in your group, you shouldn't say, "I don't want to work with him" in front of the class.  Think about how you're making that person feel.  How would you feel in that circumstance?  All through your life, you'll find yourself working with people who "rub you the wrong way".  In the theatre, people like that are really common.  You still have to figure out how to get the best out of that person.  I promise you, you won't get a person's best if you shame and humiliate them.  Recently, I posted about the movies "Jobs" and "The Social Network".  Both movies depict people who have changed the world and created extraordinary technological advances, but they might have been "irritating" in high school.  If you treat people with patience and respect, they might be able to accomplish great things.  And you might benefit from their efforts as well!

E.R.A.S.E. Bullying!

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