Sunday 2 February 2014

The Super Football Game

That's what my mom used to call the Super Bowl.  She didn't really care about it and neither do I, but it is a good excuse for a Sunday misspent in front of the tv eating food that I don't usually eat (like potato chips which I wish were on Canada's Food Guide in their own category!)  I like watching sports on television and like observing special occasions, and so even though I am a CFL fan (Go Riders, Go!) and don't give a hoot about the NFL, I can still appreciate that the players are great athletes and can enjoy the game without caring about who wins.

Horrible to read this morning that Philip Seymour Hoffman is dead.  He was an outstanding actor (I last saw him as the priest in "Doubt" but he played Truman Capote in "Capote" and was always great.)  He was only 46.  He was found on the floor of his bathroom and it is suspected that it was a drug overdose.  It is so hard to imagine how such a thing could happen.  He had a very successful and creative career, a wife and three children, and was admired by lots of people.  What would make a person like that resort to drugs?  He was in rehab and had said he had a problem with prescription drugs and had started to snort heroin.  It just demonstrates that drugs can be such a scourge.  Your life is so precious -- don't risk it by becoming enslaved to something that can kill you, no matter how smart or talented or powerful you are.

We're starting the new semester tomorrow.  For some of you, it will be your last semester of high school!  How time flies, huh?  Grab the gusto!  Do your best and enjoy every moment (if you can).  Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!  Miss Frizzell's advice still holds true.  We're still on the magic school bus - let's ride it for all it's worth!

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