Monday 4 January 2016

Back in the saddle

We have spent the morning at school and it feels like we've never been away.

They had predicted snow this morning and it arrived in the night, but it wasn't unpleasantly inconvenient.  It looked very pretty decking out all the trees.  I wish we'd had the snow over the actual holidays and not on the first day back.  Then we could have sat cosily in our homes and watched the big flakes drift down and then run outside and make snowballs and snowmen to our hearts' content.

I was reading some material about New Year's resolutions and how hard they are to keep.  One piece of advice that seemed quite helpful was that you need to be specific with your resolution.  If you want to "get in shape", resolve to go for a walk every day after dinner, or to use the stairs and not take the elevator.  If you want to do better in a class, resolve to study that subject for half an hour every day or to replace the time you spend playing "Call of Duty" with time spent practicing equations or writing in a journal or reading or whatever you think will help you improve.

One of my resolutions was to watch "The Rules of the Game" which I had PVR'd and it turned out that I had not programmed it correctly and I only had the first half of the movie!  Aargh!  Maybe this is a reason for me to get Netflix!  (Which many of you have suggested.)  Does Netflix offer old foreign films?  How does it work?

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