Thursday 10 September 2020

This is the state of man; today he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; tomorrow, blossoms, and bears his blushing honours thick upon him!

Today, we are putting forth the tender leaves of hope, hope that this school year will bring us back to something we can consider "normal".  Maybe, in the months to come, our leaves will blossom into honourable flowers!  We have a new beginning ahead of us and we do have the power to make something of it.  Let's do our best and have a positive attitude and take the lessons we learned from the last few months into our new school year.

No matter how challenging the last few weeks have been, with all of us trying to imagine school and what we will do, I know that once I get to see your shining faces back in the theatre, I will feel like there are all sorts of new possibilities ahead of us.  We will figure all of it out together!  Many heads are certainly better than one.  A few things to keep in mind to keep yourself (and old folks like me) safe -- wear a mask when you can and try to respect the two metre physical distance from people.  Wash your hands whenever you think of it.  Try your best to follow the rules -- they've made these rules (like the directional arrows in the hallways) to keep us all safe.

If you are interested in the school play, I am planning something different this year, since it is unlikely we will be able to do a regular performance with an audience crammed into our little theatre and with you guys hanging around at lunch and after school for rehearsal.  (Maybe that can happen in the spring!)  I mentioned Spoon River Anthology before.  It is a series of short poetic monologues spoken by the denizens of the fictional Spoon River cemetery.  The idea for this is that each of you could prepare one of the character's monologues and we could get some of our film school students (presently in film school, or graduates, so they'll know what they're doing!) to put it together and we could present the thing virtually.  There are lots of monologues, so if you are an alumni, recent or long ago, we would love to have you participate, too!  You can tell me if you're interested in the comments section of the blog, or you can email me.  I hope to hear from lots of you soon!  I will post a couple of sample monologues here in the days to  come.


  1. Replies
    1. Amanda, email me so I can give you your monologue!

  2. Great, Amanda! I will be in touch sometime next week (I hope) once we get going at school. This is going to be lots of fun.
