Sunday 10 May 2020

Fun in the Sun!

Bonus mark:  Send me a picture of you having fun in the sun and I will give you a bonus mark!

Question of the Day:  What is your favourite kind of weather?  Explain.  (I like all weathers, except if it is really hot.  I am interested in the weather and every day (for about 25 years!) I write down the weather details in a book (I have many books of these records) -- wind direction and speed, barometer, humidity, precipitation, temperature and the cloud formations!  I can't stop now, I've been doing it for so long.

Warm-up:  (ART - you must do this in your sketch book!)  One of the elements of art (there are 7) is LINE.  Write LINE at the top of the page in your sketch book and make as many different lines on the page as you can in ten minutes (time yourself).  You can have a straight line, a squiggly line, a jagged line, a dotted line, a line that makes a SHAPE, a line that looks like waves at the beach -- don't censor yourself.

Warm-up (Drama 9/10):  Which monologue (posted on Friday) would you choose to do?  Say or read your choice out loud in a very low voice, in a high squeaky voice, with an accent of your choice.  This is a good vocal warm-up and will help you learn the monologue.

Theatre Production 11: Watch this short video about the props department at the Stratford Festival.  The Stratford Festival is the pre-eminent Shakespeare festival in Canada.  It takes place yearly in Stratford, Ontario.  They do other plays, too.  If you ever get the chance to see a play at Stratford, do it!  It is a wonderful theatre experience.

Drama 9/10:  Work on heritage drama's third story.
Theatre Production:  Work on prop.
Art:  The second element of art is VALUE, which refers to light and darkness.  Make a  rectangle.  Divide it into five equal sections.  Make the section on the right as light as you can.  Each section should be darker until the fifth section is very dark.  Use your imagination -- what have you drawn?
(Have this done by Wednesday.)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I love overcast weather because it sets a warm humidity in the air and makes photos look really nice! Sunny days are great, too, but if I could be picky I would choose sun and wind together (to regulate the temperature).
