Monday 11 May 2020


Question of the day:  Who is someone who has influenced you?  I am going to say William Shakespeare because I have quotes from him popping into my head all the time!

Here I am with one of my many Shakespeare t-shirts!  

Warm-up:  Drama 9/10:  This exercise is called "Make an Entrance".  Go out and shut the door.  Open the door and enter as a different person (maybe your influencer!)  Try to "be" the character and don't take a long time.  Just be the character for a moment.  Then go out again and shut the door.  Open the door and enter as someone else (maybe you're a little kid playing a prank on someone!)  Then exit and do it one more time.  This is good for improvisation.
Theatre Production:  Watch this video about making a big puppet for the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of "As You Like It" --
Art 8:  Texture is another of the seven elements of Art.  Put different textures under your page in your sketchbook and colour over the texture under the paper.  A cheese grater has a great (see what I did there?) texture.  Try leaves from the garden or different kinds of wood or raised letters or a coin). Write what the texture came from next to the sample.

Lesson:  Drama 9/10:  Get in touch with your group and brainstorm ideas for presenting your third story.  Send me a report (one for each group) that tells me what you plan to do by Thursday (May 14).
Theatre Production:  Work on your prop.
Art:  Send me an email with the hand picture from May 6!  Work on your VALUE sketch.

Zoom meetings:  We had a meeting about scheduling Zooms and we are hoping to keep our Zoom meetings within our scheduled block times.  For this reason, I will try to set up our Zooms during times we would actually meet if we were at school.  Please let me know if you absolutely CAN'T make these meetings.  Do your best to be able to come!  (They are scheduled within school hours and set with when we would normally meet, so you should be able to attend.)
A Block:  Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
B Block:  Friday at 12:30 p.m.
C Block:  Thursday at 12:30 (I want you to show your "tile" at this Zoom (the rectangle with the two dots we made on May 8).


  1. It's a mix between Sun Wukong and Maria Von Trapp - guts to challenge high authorities or guts to make ideals a reality. (Actually, on hindsight, they're both pretty similar...)
