Monday 18 May 2020

Lesson for May 19, 2020

I am going in to the school today to help any of the students who come in for extra help.  I think if you need extra help, you can just call the office and they will arrange a time for you to come in.  Some of you probably heard that we are going to start in class instruction on June 1.  We aren't exactly sure what that will look like yet, but online instruction will also continue so it is important for you to try to keep up with your work.  If you have questions about Art or Drama, just email me and I will do my best to help you.  I know your other teachers want to help you, too, so don't be afraid to ask questions!

If you sent me work over the weekend or early on Tuesday, I might not get to it until Wednesday, because I will spend the day at school on May 19 and haven't really done schoolwork over the weekend.

Question of the day:  If you were going to have tea with the Queen, what would you talk to her about?  What is one question you would ask her?  I think I would be interested in what it felt like when her father died and she had to become the queen.  That must have been very difficult.  I think I would like to know if she feels like she has served the people of Great Britain and what has been most difficult for her.  I wonder if she would be able to be honest, because she has spent most of her life doing her duty and saying appropriate things and maybe not what she is actually thinking.

Warm-up:  Drama 9/10  Work on your monologue for ten minutes.  Will you sit or stand?  (Try both.)  Where do you imagine they are?  To whom is the person speaking?  Why are they telling the other person this stuff?
Theatre Production 11:  Watch the video -- Lights at Stratford Festival.  Here is the link:
Art 8:  Look at the following samples of story-telling in Art.
What story does each work tell?

Lesson:  Drama 9/10 - prepare to present your third heritage story on Thursday
Theatre Production - send me your prop project -- it should include the item you started with, how you transformed it and what it looks like now.
Art 8 - This is a project that will include your ideas about line, value and texture.  It is called "Something Happened".  The examples you looked at in the warm-up are all telling a story.  You are going to tell a story with your drawing.  It can tell any story, so the Archie comic actually tells a little story with a defined plot line.  The political cartoon tells a story, but in a different way.  You probably have to understand a bit about current events to understand it.  The Botticelli painting tells the story of a famous mythological character.  In the Picasso, we have to imagine what might have happened to make the woman so upset.  You are going to make a drawing (using line, texture and value) about something that happened.  It can be a comic strip, a political cartoon, an illustration from the plot of a book, it can even be a map!  Use your imagination.  This will be due on May 26 so you want to think about it and take your time to make it interesting.

Some of you in Art 8 have asked what I have collected so far.  Here is a list:  your sentences about the four pieces of art (which included the "Fountain" by Duchamp and "Mona Lisa" by da Vinci); the hand, the face with the item related to the person, the warm-up with the lines and the rectangle with the values, the "readymade" (like Duchamp) - a thing you have repurposed and renamed.  If you didn't bring your tile (called a "zentangle") to the Zoom on Thursday, make sure I see that.  I hope that helps.

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